Caro Visitante! Este blog é uma forma de expressar a minha paixão pela Arte, pela Natureza e também pela minha querida cidade natal que é Ribeirão Bonito. Espero que encontre aqui um espaço do seu agrado e, sobretudo que se sinta à vontade para apreciar, contemplar, refletir, observar, analisar, comentar, interagir, sugerir, enfim, participar. Seja bem-vindo!
Please don't play your violin at night Wolfgang go to bed, turn out the light But I must play my violin At night my violin Must be beneath my chin I love the music of the night I won't turn out the light Oh I love music in the night But the music so late at night Makes it quite hard to go to sleep, to sleep But the music that I play at night is light Maybe you should try counting sheep Try counting sheep it’ll help you sleep Sheep will never help me sleep You should try counting sheep No sheep won't help me sleep Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, Sheep, sheep, sheep, sheep Sheep won't help me sleep Won't help me sleep Try counting sheep! Wolfgang I'm still not sleeping Please stop the music Dear it's just a little night music Night music must stop Night music is inspiring Night music is too tiring The melody is soaring And I wish I were snoring When I hear music in the night It fills my heart with such delight I hope the music will never end And I will never ever sleep Night music is like heaven And it's half past eleven The notes are stars that twinkle I envy Rip Van Winkle When I hear music in the night I never want to see daylight But dear the music will soon be over And we both can go to sleep Just a few more notes left to write And then we'll finally turn out the light And we'll say goodnight That's the music of the night. Good night.
Please Don't Play Your Violin At Night By Richard Perlmutter